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Our Vision

 The Gathering Place


A Revival Hub

An Apostolic training Center


The Gathering Place is a place where you can come and feel free to worship The Lord.  You can come and jump into the river of God and worship freely.


Our desire is to not be  bound by religious mandates, but we want to  encourage each person to discover who they are in Christ and to walk in their destiny.

Our worship team's desire is to bring Heaven to earth as they press into the Glory realm. His presence is our greatest desire....


We also want to see prophetic dancers, flags, and banners during worship as a beautiful pagentry to honor our King (Jesus).


Our desire is to see others move more into the arts of worship.  


We have atists move in prophetic painting during the worship service as another form of worship.

We will also be having Worship Workshops to teach how to flow in spontaneous worship with songs of the Lord flowing freely!!


We will be facilitating workshops for dance and the arts so that all who are intrested can come and devolope and express their Spiritual gifts.


We desire to see the church come into full maturity. Having an intimate realationship 

with Jesus the Lover of our soul.

Operating in the 5 fold ministry giftings and raising up sons and daughters to fullfill their destiny in The Kingdom of God.


To provide Training for ruling and riening!!!


Providing Schools and classes for the prophetic -

The School Of The Prophets...









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